EIF Network

Our members benefit from benevolent support and advice to find a story angle, experts,  colleagues, but also direct work opportunities whenever EIF has to offer. We do not predate on our members ideas and engage with them in strict confidentiality.

Christina Orieschnig

Christina is a PhD researcher in hydrology and earth observation, and a freelance writer specialising in tech and science communication. She’s currently working on her doctoral thesis with the French Institute for Development Research (IRD), assessing the impacts of hydropower development, land use change, and climate change, on the delta of the Mekong in Cambodia. In this framework, Christina is analysing time series of Sentinel and Landsat satellite imagery using cloud computing platforms. Within the scope of the same project she interviews local stakeholders on the Mekong floodplains, and builds an eco-hydrological model for scenario simulation.

Marin Nilkolov

Marin is a Broadcast Journalist with dozens of journalistic investigations which sparkled wide public reactions in Bulgaria. He focuses on harmful practices in politics, economics, the judiciary, environmental topics, and cultural heritage conservation. Some of his TV films were followed by dismissals and resignations of mayors, deputies and state chiefs who occupied responsible posts in our country. His film ‘’Eco-racketting” uncovered the schemes in which certain conservation organizations were blackmailing businessmen from the energy sector for corruption purposes.

Hanene Zbiss

Hanene won several Arab and international awards such as the Samir Kassir Award for Freedom of press (2014) and the Raef Badawi Award for Courageous Journalists (2019) done by Friedrich Naumann Foundation. She was nominated for the Global Shining Light Award, done by the Global Investigative Journalism Network (GIJN) in October 2015. She produced several investigations on subjects such as corruption, terrorism, health, environment and education, in Tunisia and in Iraq. She participated to the “Implant Files” project with the ICIJ and is the President of the Francophone Press Union’s Tunisian Section (UPF).

Jack Wolf

Jack Wolf is a researcher and filmmaker. He covers issues surrounding conflict, migration, technology, infrastructure and the environment. Jack has worked alongside Mnemonic documenting human rights violations in Syria, Yemen and Sudan, but also as a Visual Coordinator. His films and research and work have been presented globally. He also participated in the cross-regional program “Investigate West Africa” from CiFAR. In his spare time Jack works to teach inscription and digital safety workshops to young people in Berlin.

Aqwam Hanifan

I am a conflict journalist with extensive experience covering conflict zones in Southeast Asia. For the past five years, I have conducted digital-based investigations using Open Source Intelligence (OSINT).

Mahmoud Abo Rass

Mahmoud is a Syrian journalist, correspondent and field reporter. Over the past years, he worked on producing dozens of different media reports on the war and life in Syria. He also participated in many important investigative investigations, the last of which was about soil poisoning in Syria as a result of the remnants of war. He works from Syria in addition to his role as a trainer in the field of journalism.

Ankita Anand

Ankita is an Indian based journalist with experience working on eight countries across four continents. She is also editor and head of partnerships with Unbias the News. With the support of national and international grants and fellowships, she has reported on climate solutions in various thematics. She is a recipient of the Lorenzo Natali Media Prize, the Statesman Award for Rural Reporting, and the United Nations Population Fund Award for Writing on Gender.

Luiz Fernando Toledo

Investigative reporter specialized in data and public records. I was awarded a 1 year grant by Columbia University (Brown Institute) in 2022 to create a data-driven project to investigate envionmental crimes: datafixers.org.

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